Diversity Job Network Blog

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3 Tips in Asking for a Job Reference

3 Tips in Asking for a Job Reference

When you apply for a job, typically you are required to have a job reference. Many people ask someone to do a reference for them, but the key is asking the right person to do a job reference for you. 
Why do employers ask you for a job reference? Well, as you can imagine they are trying to learn as much about...

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4 Tips When Negotiating a Salary raise (In 2021)

4 Tips When Negotiating a Salary raise (In 2021)

The process of negotiating a salary raise can make anyone nervous. Common questions often arise. What should I say? What if my boss perceives me negatively because of asking for a raise? What if my boss says no? The list of questions can go on, but one thing should be true: if you deserve a salary raise, you should ask for it.


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2 Tips During Your Job Search (Stay Positive)

2 Tips During Your Job Search (Stay Positive)

Let us state the facts, finding a job can be a difficult process for some people. Having to search, and wait is not the most fun of things to do. 

Someone once said, "The best time to find a job, is when you have one." Well...yeah. That is no doubt ideal, but it really is not the case for everyone. With that said, how...

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